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organicARCHITECT Announces 2007 Green Products Award Winners
San Francisco, CA: February 1st, 2007

organicARCHITECT, a green architecture firm and research think-tank, today announced the recipients of its third annual 2007 organicAWARDS. This annual award recognizes the most exciting products introduced in the past year that promote both design innovation and environmental responsibility.

"The winners selected for this years organicAWARDS display a playfulness with the concepts of sustainability," notes organicARCHITECT Principal Eric Corey Freed. "We saw amazing advancements and surging interest in green design in 2006, and designers are really embracing the concepts to inspire them to design better objects." Nearly all of the winning products are commercially available to the public right now, showing the surging demand by the public in well designed, green products and services.

Named one of the top Trends of the Year by the Wall Street Journal, Green Design has finally come into a place of understanding and recognition. The overwhelming success of the LEED® Green Building Rating System (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) by the US Green Building Council is evidence of this embracing by the design community (for more on LEED, see USGBC website).

Perhaps the most innovative product recognized among organicARCHITECT's winners of 2007 is the Tesla Roadster. The sleek, high performance car is also an all electric vehicle, proving being green does not mean you have to sacrifice on aesthetics or performance. "The zero-emission Tesla Roadster will change how we look at our automobiles, which are the source of thirty percent of greenhouse gas emissions." according to Freed.

organicARCHITECT's product selections this year demonstrate the tremendous innovation and interest in being green coming out of the design industry. "New, innovative products and materials seem to show up daily," said Freed. "Keeping abreast of these new developments has become a full time job for us."

Consumer demand for more environmentally responsible solutions has finally pushed manufacturers to change their ways. "After the media frenzy for green in 2006, every architect and designer has had to at least address Green Design and examine incorporating it into their own practice" said Freed, an award winning green architect himself. His firm, organicARCHITECT, also helps other architects be green through their extensive training and consulting programs.

Some interesting trends among the winners include addressing innovative energy, water and resource uses. All of the winners have found new ways to deal with the inevitable consumption of energy and materials.

For more information, contact Eric Corey Freed.

For Media Inquiries, detailed contact information and hi-res images are available for all organicAWARD winners.


Winners of the organicAWARDS for 2007::

The organicAWARDS are presented each January to recognize other leaders in the design industry who have adopted an innovative and green approach to their work. Winners do not pay to be listed and are usually unaware of their nomination for the award. organicARCHITECT does not accept any solicitations or advertising. All research is funded through their design work.


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